Normalization: Context and causes
European Elections and Snap Elections in France: Analysis and aftermaths
Compiling Arab Forum for Alternatives’ publications On international financial institutions and their impact on the Arab region
September 2023 The World Bank and its policies have a prolonged history in our region. Perhaps its first stop was in the year 1955 when the World Bank refused to finance Egypt’s construction of the High Dam, and the political events and developments that followed changed the face of the region. The role of the Bank and international financial institutions remained limited in certain countries in the region until its role began to expand through preliminary policies in the seventies and agendas and programs in the eighties. The following article published in Mada Masr monitors the development of these policies…
The Arab Gulf and Climate Change: Massive Steps or Greening Non-negotiable Fossil Fuel Revenues
Paper: Decentralization in Egypt: More than 10 years of a stumbling path
Shimaa El Sharkawy ,Shimaa ElSharkawyEgypt Abstract: Decentralization has been in the limelight of scholarly debate both for OECD countries and for other world regions, such as the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) for the last decades. When mass protests in the periphery in 2011 spilled over to urban spaces across the region, several MENA regimes responded to the increasing uncontrollability of political dynamics by broadening their discourse on decentralization and local governance reforms. Even the formerly heavily centralized regimes of Tunisia and Egypt opted for decentralization and introduced associated principles in their new constitutions. While, in Tunisia, the democratic…
Biodiversity in the Arab region
Raja Kassab ,Rajaa KassabMorocco
New Project: Pandemic Lessons for Democratic Good Practices in Crisis in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia (2022-2024)
Arab Forum for Alternatives ,Observatory for Democratic TransitionEgypt ,Jordan ,Lebanon ,TunisiaArab Alternatives Forum for Social Studies (AFA) is pleased to announce the launch of its new project in partnership with United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF). As well as with the partnership of the Tunisian Democratic transition observatory (OTTD). The project’s overall objective is the promotion of democratic good practices during crises, through examining the different ways in which governments have dealt with the pandemic crisis. Key activities aim to support stakeholders in improving their knowledge on the features and characteristics of Covid-19 responses in the Arab States Region, combining research,…
Are vaccines fairly distributed in the Arab region?
Mohamed ElAgati ,Nissaf Brahim ,Shimaa El Sharkawy ,Shimaa ElSharkawy ,Shorouk Al Hariri ,Zainab SrourrEgypt ,Lebanon ,Tunisia
Biodiversity from a climate and social justice perspective
Magda Bou Dagher-Kharrat ,Rajaa Kassab