Alternatives’ Papers – Third Issue (January 2016)
Arab Forum for Alternatives ,Layla Al Riahi ,Mohamed ElAgati ,Passant Ahmed ,Rania Zada ,Shimaa ElSharkawy ,Shorouk Al Hariri

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This issue


  • Iranian nuclear program agreement and the future of the region

Arab Forum for Alternatives

Topic of the issue   

  • Social movements… A step forward or an inevitable backlash?

Passant Ahmed

  • Youth Movements and democratic transformation in Egypt.

Rania Zada

  • Problematics of Arab civil society and social movements and their capacity to influence the issue of Social Justice: Tunisian civil society after the revolution.

Dr. Layla Al-Riahi


Protecting civil rights and liberties in the light of international strategies and agreements.

(UN Global counter –terrorism strategy).

Shorouk Al Hariri                                      31

Book of the issue

  • Another politics: talking across today’s transformative movements.

Shimaa ElSharkawy


  • Euro-Mediterranean relations: What went wrong?

Towards a long-term relation and the role of think tanks in this process

      Mohamed Elagati


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